Humanities and inclusion, a 3I Uuniversity network project
Programm and participants

Day 1 – 12th October
10 :00 – 10 :30. Welcome/introduction
10 :30 – 12 :00. Migration
- Juliette Delahaie and Emmanuelle Canut (ULille) : Hosting migration population : from assessment to innovative practices in a new language and society
- Sara Mondini (UGent) : Migrations and artistic vocabularies in the process of identity building of Muslim communities in Malabar, India
- Sara Cosemans (KUL) : The Internationalization of the Refugee Problem’? Global Refugee Resettlement during the 1970s.
Lunch break
14 :30 – 16 :00. Access to culture
- Sophie Babault and Emilie Kasazian (ULille): Classroom interactions as tools for building school knowledge in mono-, bi- and plurilingual settings
- Naïma Lafrarchi (UGent) : Culture as a means to inclusion, well-being and belongin
- Bahriye Kemal (UKent) : Wiped off the Map: Accessing Marginalised Displaced Voices from the Postcolonial Mediterranean
Coffee break
Day 2 – 13th October
10 :00 – 11 :30. Empowering minorities
- Inge Lanslots (KUL): RE-WIRING Gender, Identity and Positionality: A Transnational and Transcultural Reading of Takou Ben Mohamed’s Graphic Narratives
- Daniela De Simone (UGent): An Archaeology of Marginalisation: Indian Forest-dwellers and the Othering of Indigenous Groups
Coffee break
11 :45 – 13 :00. Round-table : Humanities and Research
- Gita Deneckere (UGent – Faculty of Arts and Philosophy)
- Geert Brône – Lena Karssenberg – Kahn Faasen (KUL – Faculty of Arts)
- Gabriel Galvez-Behar (University of Lille – Faculty of Humanities)
Prof. Emmanuelle Canut and Prof. Juliette Delahaie are professors of applied linguistics at the University of Lille (UMR CNRS STL "Savoirs, Textes, Langage"). They work on language and communication issues in support of migrant populations. They led the multidisciplinary MigraLang project and the MigraFLE experimental school project (Carnets de recherche MigraLang).
Dr. Sara Mondini (UGent) is an art historian specialised in the artistic productions of South Asia, Middle East and North Africa and Assistant Professor of Art and Architecture of West and South Asia in the Department of Languages and Cultures at Ghent University. She is currently the Principal Investigator leading the five-year project The Mosques of Kerala: Artistic Vocabularies in the Identity-Building of Muslim Communities (2023-2028), funded by the FWO with an Odysseus Type II grant
Dr. Sara Cosemans (KUL) obtained her PhD in History from KU Leuven in 2021. She currently works as a postdoctoral researcher for the Research Foundation – Flanders (FWO) also at KU Leuven.
Dr. Sophie Babault and Dr. Emilie Kasazian (ULille) are associate professors at the University of Lille. They carry out research in language didactics and sociolinguistics. Currently, their main research object is related to the role played by language and languages in the construction of school knowledge by students, whether in plurilingual or so-called monolingual settings. They have been building up a database of classroom interactions.
Naïma Lafrarchi (UGent) holds a law degree, MSc in Instructional and Educational Sciences, and a Master in Educational Science specialisation. She build over two decades of expertise in the field of diversity and inclusion, professional training regarding diversity and inclusion, inclusive communication. Currently, she is working on a research project which aims to develop a 'historical empathy' tool to support teachers in Flemish secondary education to deal with controversial and historical sensitive topics. Her first book ‘Does religion makes a difference?’ is launched in 2017 in presence of the Minister of Education, Hilde Crevits, as well as national and international experts.
Dr. Bahriye Kemal (Ukent) is a British-born-Cypriot of refugee parentage. She is Senior Lecturer in Postcolonial Contemporary Literatures and co-leads the interdisciplinary Migration centre at Kent, is trustee for refugee charities, and a poet-performer. Anchored in humanities with crossings into social sciences, Bahriye’s work is committed to platforming marginalised voices. She has published widely, teaches, and leads projects on postcolonial literature, migration, human rights, spatial studies, conflict, solidarity & activism.
Prof. Daniela De Simone (UGent) is Assistant Professor in South Asian Archaeology at Ghent University. She is currently the Principal Investigator leading the five-year research programme The Nilgiri Archaeological Project: Culture and Environment in the Upland Forests of South India from Antiquity to Early Modernity (2021-2026), funded by the Research Foundation–Flanders (FWO) with an Odysseus Type II grant. Her research focuses on the adaptation to, and transformation and exploitation of the natural environment by Indian indigenous communities in the pre-colonial period.
Prof. Inge Lanslots (KUL) is associate professor of Italian culture at the Research Unit of Translation studies. At Campus Antwerp, she teaches Italian culture and translation and, in the near future, she will teach European Culture and Literature at Campus Antwerp. She is involved in several research projects on Jewish writers in Italian-language literature (Limaleb), on migration (Éxodocs) and gender (Rewiring - Realising Girls’ and Women’s Inclusion, Representation and Empowerment).
Prof. Geert Brône (KUL) is full professor of German and general linguistics at the Linguistics Department of KU Leuven. His research focuses on the interface of speech and gesture in face-to-face interaction. He teaches German grammar, variational linguistics and multimodal interaction analysis at the Leuven and Antwerp campus of KU Leuven. He is currently appointed as vice dean of research policy at the Faculty of Arts
Prof. Gabriel Galvez-Behar (ULille) is full professor in the Department of History at the University of Lille and, since 2019, dean of the Faculty of Humanities. His research deals with the history of innovation and focuses especially on the history of intellectual property and of the valorisation of scientific research. He is a member of the Institut de recherches historiques du Septentrion and an honorary fellow of the Institut universitaire de France.
Prof. Gita Deneckere (UGent) is full professor in the Department of History at Ghent University and, since 2018, dean of the Faculty of Arts and Philosophy at her alma mater. She received her doctorate in history in 1993 with a dissertation on social history and collective action in the nineteenth and twentieth centuries. Her current research focuses on the history of power and emancipation. The history of the women's movement and feminism is a major line of research.
Dr. Lena Karssenberg (KUL) obtained a PhD in Linguistics in 2017, and after briefly continuing her research as a postdoc became a research policy advisor at the KU Leuven Arts Faculty in 2019. Together with her colleague Kahn Faassen, she is involved in preparing and implementing Faculty policy on research and well-being, and provides support to researchers in all career stages when they prepare funding applications.
Dr. Kahn Faassen (KUL) obtained a PhD in Literary Studies in 2022 and has since then been working at the KU Leuven Arts Faculty as a research policy advisor. Together with his colleague Lena Karssenberg, he is involved in preparing and implementing Faculty policy on research and well-being, and provides support to researchers in all career stages when they prepare funding applications.
En couverture : [Gerard Mercator], Belgii inferioris descriptio emendata cum circumiacentium regionum confiniis, 1585. Source : Bibliothèque diplomatique numérique.